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Headaches Treatment

Headache Treatment in West Hartford, CT

Headaches might be one of the most common ailments any person endures throughout a lifetime. For some, headaches might be constant, such as cervicogenic headache complex, acute chronic tension headaches, or even be more serious, like migraine headaches. Fortunately, at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC we have a dedicated chiropractor that will help you find answers and relief for chronic daily headaches.


What Causes Headaches?

There are a plethora of causes for chronic headaches. The most common types of headaches include cervicogenic headache complex, cervicogenic migraine headache syndrome, tension headaches, sinus, and other types of migraines. Furthermore, certain infections such as meningitis and other medical conditions such as hypertension can trigger headaches. Secondary headaches are headaches that are a direct result of another underlying condition and they often require immediate medical attention.

Seeking Treatment

It is important to rule out secondary headaches first and foremost when suffering from mild to severe headaches. For those who are not suffering headaches as a result of severe medical complications, chiropractic care provides customized treatment plans to prevent and lessen the severity of chronic headaches.

Chiropractic Treatments

Our chiropractors at West Hartford Chiropractic are trained to recognize problems with spinal alignment, muscle injuries, scoliosis, and root causes of headaches. One of the most common causes of headaches is known as occipital neuralgia. Although easy to fix, it requires a keen eye to diagnose.

What Is Occipital Neuralgia?

Occipital neuroglia has many underlying causes. From a strained trapezius muscle during a workout to stress and poor posture, occipital neuralgia is believed to be the cause of many chronic headaches. As a nation of office workers, many people suffer from chronic headaches caused by occipital neuroglia, eye strain, and muscle tension.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in West Hartford, CT

We will diagnose your muscle tension and occipital neuralgia, which could be the cause of your daily chronic headaches. Neuralgia is simply a term that means inflamed muscles squeezing a nerve which leads to pain. To alleviate headaches and tension, our chiropractors provide treatment that consists of light spinal adjustments, cold laser therapy, cranial-sacral therapy, sacral occipital, and other advanced therapies.

In addition to muscle stretching, other soft tissue techniques and relaxation techniques can be provided by our chiropractors to alleviate your headaches. We will also use spinal manipulation and adjustment techniques to relieve your stress and alleviate your headaches.

Get Help for Your Headaches in West Hartford, CT

At West Hartford Chiropractic, our team is ready to listen to your concerns and develop a unique headache treatment plan just for you. Call us today at (860) 232-5556 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors.



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