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Whole Body Vibration FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

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1. Is vibration training something new?

No. Vibration training is backed by over 40 years of research. The technology utilizes a frequency range that has been proven to be both safe and effective. The technology was originally designed to treat bone and lean muscle mass loss in cosmonauts who had spent considerable time in a weightless environment, in addition to enhancing power and strength and accelerating recovery in Russian Olympic athletes. Eventually, the technology was introduced to Europe in the early 1990's, where further research was done to validate its effects. Due to its many benefits, the technology has quickly gained acceptance and is now utilized by universities, professional sports teams, and health professionals in the rehabilitation and medical fields.

2. Is vibration training safe?

Yes. The WAVE utilizes a very specific frequency range that is both proven in research and safe and effective. Every object has a resonance frequency. For example, internal organs and the spine have a resonance frequency between 5 and 20 Hz. Any vibration at a frequency of less than 20 Hz is NOT recommended. The WAVE stays within the safe range. This is why countless hours of exercise has been performed using Whole Body Vibration and there has been no detrimental value.

3. Is there research behind this technology?

Vibration training has 40 years of research behind it's science. With any technology, the individual needs to take a critical look at the research and validity behind it. Whole Body Vibration has been featured in such prestigious and influential peer reviewed journals as Spine, Journal of Bone and Mineral Density, and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. With it's potential applications, new research is constantly being initiated across numerous North American and European Universities.

4. What makes WAVE exercise different from conventional training?

WAVE exercise has the competitive advantage over conventional training due to its ability to provide a more effective and efficient exercise without the constraints associated with regular training, such as joint stress, lengthy repetitions and time commitments. Research has shown similar strength gains to conventional resistance training at a fraction of the time. Fifteen minutes of Vibration exercise produces similar results to 1 hour in conventional training. In addition, there is less stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons with Vibration training when compared to regular resistance training. Therefore, the WAVE provides an effective solution to those that may benefit from weight training, but are unable to engage in it.

5. What is the science behind WAVE exercise?

The science behind Vibration exercise follows several different principles: The Stretch Reflex: The movement of the vibration plate with a small amplitude of 2 to 4 mm simulates the body's natural 'stretch reflex' (Tonic Vibration Reflex). This is similar to the knee jerk reaction that occurs when the knee is tapped by a reflex hammer in a doctor's office. Without thinking about it, your body responds with a strong involuntary muscle contraction, leading to your leg 'kicking out'. With the WAVEä technology, these strong muscle contractions can be repeated at a rapid rate. At a frequency of 20 to 50 times a second, the WAVEä can produce up to 3000 contractions in 1 minute. Nearly 100% Muscle Recruitment: Due to its involuntary effect on muscle contraction, nearly 100% of the muscle fibers are recruited. Compare this to conventional training where there is only on average 40% muscle recruitment. This benefits the rehabilitation patient looking to add stability and strength to all muscles around their joints, to the athlete looking to maximize strength gains. Increased Blood Circulation: The gentle rapid contractions of up to 3000 times per minute allow the muscle to work as a pump in introducing blood to even the smallest blood vessels. This leads to the ability of the body to carry off waste products much faster, leading to increased peripheral circulation.

6. What is the age limit to Whole Body Vibration training?

There is no upper age limit to WAVE exercise. By itself, it is not indicate a contraindication. The WAVE has many benefits for the elderly population, including positive effects on bone density, improvements in blood circulation, and increase in strength, balance and flexibility. All this is accomplished with less stress on the joints, tendons and ligaments than conventional exercise.

7. What is the youngest age for vibration training?

We recommend following general guidelines on resistance training for adolescents. Taking this into consideration, we recommend an age limit of 12. However, there should always be supervision by a qualified individual. Any age less than 12 requires approval from a physician prior to any exercise.

8. Are there any contraindications?

Like any exercise program that is initiated, there are contraindications. Whole Body Vibration has already been used quite extensively, and there have been no significant side effects or injuries noted. In essence, Whole Body Vibration training is as safe as conventional resistance training. The following is a list of contraindications that must be kept in mind prior to an individual starting Whole Body Vibration. Please note that some of these contraindications can actually benefit from using the WAVE. We recommend a person consult a physician prior to starting any new exercise program.


  • Acute inflammations and infections
  • Acute joint disorders and arthroses
  • Acute severe migraine headache
  • Acute rheumatoid arthritis
  • Serious cardiovascular diseases, such as heart and vascular.
  • Fresh surgery wounds
  • Recent joint implants, such as foot, knee and hip implants
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Heart valve disorders
  • Recently placed metal or synthetic implants such as pacemaker, intra - uterine device, and cochlear implants
  • Pregnancy
  • Gallstones
  • Epilepsy
  • Recent thrombosis or possible thrombotic complaints
  • Tumors
  • Severe diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Low back complaints such as acute hernia, discopathy, and spondylolysis


1. What makes WAVE exercise different from conventional training?

WAVE exercise has the competitive advantage over conventional training due to its ability to provide a more effective and efficient exercise without the constraints associated with regular training, such as joint stress, lengthy repetitions and time commitments. Research has shown similar strength gains to conventional resistance training at a fraction of the time. Fifteen minutes of Vibration exercise produces similar results to 1 hour in conventional training. In addition, there is less stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons with Vibration training when compared to regular resistance training. Therefore, the WAVE provides an effective solution to those that may benefit from weight training, but are unable to engage in it.

2. How often should I use it to see results?

Use of the WAVE is similar to regular training in some aspects. How often you use it will depend on what you are hoping to accomplish. For those looking for strength gains, we recommend approximately 3 times per week. Others may use it every day for recovery and warming up and cooling down. Due to its ability to increase circulation, lactic acid is quickly cleared, leading to faster recovery and ability to use it again. In other aspects, WAVE exercise is more efficient than conventional training. With regular weight training, muscles undergo some micro tears through the stresses placed on it. This leads to a recovery time of 48 hours before engaging in that activity again. Vibration training minimizes these micro tears. Combine this with the increased circulation, there is only a 24-hour recovery period before using it again for the same body part.

3. Is the WAVE a substitute for my cardio exercises?

Research shows that Vibration training does not stress the cardio system. This is beneficial to those individuals that cannot handle the demands of conventional strength training, which may put a stress on their cardiovascular system. However, if you want to add a cardio component to the exercises, you can easily increase the difficulty of the exercise with less breaks in between.

4. Will the WAVE replace my other fitness equipment?

Yes and no. The WAVE is an excellent alternative to regular training for those that cannot exercise due to joint stress and time constraints. The WAVE will allow an individual to easily initiate exercise until they are strong enough to engage in regular exercise if that is their wish. In addition, due to its effect on strength, flexibility and circulation, the WAVE can be used as an excellent complement to regular training, thereby enhancing the results that you want to achieve.

5. What kind of exercises can I do on the WAVE?

The WAVE is designed to work every muscle group through various positions. Only your imagination will limit the exercises that you can do.

6. My health club doesn't know anything about WAVE vibration exercise. What can I do?

Actually, vibration training is becoming more and more popular in North America. Most of the fitness clubs out there have had some experience with vibration exercise. You can refer your fitness club owner to visit our website and to call us if they have any questions on how they can benefit by having the WAVE in their club.


1. Is vibration training safe?

Yes. The WAVE utilizes a very specific frequency range that is both proven in research and safe and effective. Every object has a resonance frequency. For example, internal organs and the spine have a resonance frequency between 5 and 20 Hz. Any vibration at a frequency of less than 20 Hz is NOT recommended. The WAVE stays within the safe range. This is why countless hours of exercise has been performed using Whole Body Vibration and there has been no detrimental value.

2. I have knee pain that prevents me from exercising. How can the WAVE help me?

Various health professionals are using vibration training as part of their treatment plan. For any medical condition, we recommend consulting your physician prior to starting any exercise program. The WAVE can help by strengthening the muscles around your knee by putting less stress on them than conventional training.

3. I have osteoporosis. How can the WAVE help?

Vibration training helps by increasing the strength of your muscles. It's well known that the strength of the bones is influenced by the strength of your muscles. WAVE vibration training is a safe and gentle way to achieve these strength gains. For further information, please go to the research section of

4. Are there people that can't use the WAVE?

The contraindications that we list are not absolute. For example, diabetes is a contraindication for vibration training. However, vibration training has also been shown to be beneficial for those with diabetes. New research is also being done showing the positive effects of vibration training on some of these contraindications. To know whether WAVE vibration is best for you, we advise consulting a health professional utilizing the WAVE.

5. I have fibromyalgia and was told not to weight train. How does the WAVE help me?

An effective program for those with fibromyalgia will involve exercises that promote strength, flexibility and endurance. Vibration exercise has been shown to produce greater increases in flexibility over conventional training, with less stress on the joints. In addition, strength gains with vibration training are comparable to regular exercise, except the time to complete exercises is shorter. More importantly, WAVE vibration exercise has been shown to be gentle and safe, without putting undue stress on your joints. Consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program.

6. I have arthritis. Will the WAVE be helpful?

Exercise has shown to be beneficial for those with arthritis, with the goal of strengthening the muscles around the joints in keeping the area stabilized and to prevent further injury. WAVE vibration exercise minimizes stress on the joints, making it an ideal exercise solution. Various health professionals have incorporated vibration training into their treatment plans. Once you are screened by your health professional, they will be able to recommend the appropriate vibration treatment regimen for your particular condition.

7. My doctor / therapist doesn't know anything about vibration exercise. What should I do?

Vibration exercise is becoming more well known these days due to the large amount of research that is coming out on its benefits. Simply direct your doctor or therapist to our website. In addition, they can contact us to discuss how the WAVE can benefit you, in addition to other patients.


1. How are strength gains developed through this technology?

An improvement in muscular strength is one of the most important benefits of the WAVE. Muscular strength increases follow a certain path: • Neurological adaptation. • Muscular adaptation and hypertrophy Muscular adaptations occur through an increase in the cross sectional area of muscle fibers, thereby improving the contraction properties of muscle tissue leading to a maximal contraction that provides more force and power. Muscle hypertrophy usually begins after 4 to 6 weeks of training. Vibration training on the other hand, accelerates strength through neurological adaptation. This means that strength will increase through improvements in the quality of muscle contraction. For the untrained individual, there is a definite lack of control of muscle fibers. Magnetic resonance imaging has even shown that the whole muscle is not used during a maximal contraction. With the WAVE, there is nearly 100 percent recruitment of muscle fibers, thereby allowing an accelerated improvement in initial strength.

2. I've hit a plateau with my training. How can the WAVE help me overcome this?

With any athlete, a plateau occurs due to various reasons. Some have maximized the 'muscular adaptation' response of their muscles (see question 1), while others may be over-training and not recovering quickly enough. Whatever your reason, WAVE vibration will help. WAVE vibration is designed to train ALL your muscle fibers. By recruiting more muscle fibers, you will generate more force. In addition, gentle rapid contractions allow the muscle to work as a pump, resulting in the body to carry off waste products much faster, thereby enhancing circulation and recovery.

3. I find it hard to keep training when I get an injury. How can the WAVE help with this?

Any athlete understands the frustration that comes with an injury. In certain cases, conventional training puts too much stress on the body, limiting an athlete from maintaining their performance. Since WAVE puts less stress on the joints, ligaments, and tendons, it is the ideal form of exercise to maintain peak physical shape. Please consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program when coming back from an injury.

4. How much time do I need to spend on the WAVE to get results?

Its not surprising that most athletes believe they have to train longer and longer on the WAVE to get any results. This is actually not the case. Studies have consistently shown that vibration on a body part greater than 6 minutes actually decreases your performance! Therefore, its important to understand that short training sessions apply to athletes also, and not just sedentary people! The WAVE has developed protocols for athletes. Please consult your WAVE trainer regarding this.

5. Is the progression of the WAVE exercises the same as with regular training?

Yes it is. The same principles that apply to regular training apply to the WAVE. For example, when you are doing the squat exercise, you can progress from static squats to dynamic ones. If that becomes easier, you can apply extra weight through weighted vests or free weights. Remember though, the time frame can be kept short and you don't need to increase the time that much! Just increase the difficulty of the exercise. Your WAVE provider will have the solution to your specific needs.

6. Can I do the WAVE with my regular exercise program?

Yes, the WAVE was designed to be used as a complement to your regular training, in addition to being used alone. You can easily use it as a warm up tool, or as a cool down after your workouts. With weight training, athletes have been finishing off their regular sets with a set of vibration training to help train all their muscle fibers. Others have used vibration sets combined with regular training. Only your imagination is the limit!

7. Do I get any cardio training on the WAVE?

The WAVE was designed to be gentle on the cardiovascular system. This is the reason it can be used by people who can't stress their cardiovascular system. However, you can get a cardio effect by increasing the intensity of the exercise, decreasing the rest time or adding extra weight. WAVE provides protocols that are catered to each individual's specific needs.

8. You state that the WAVE helps recruit more muscle fibers than regular training. How is this any different than using electrical muscle stimulation?

WAVE vibration was designed to recruit more muscle fibers due to its ability to affect the stretch reflex. Since this is an involuntary stretch reflex, nearly 100% of the muscle fibers are recruited. Electrical stimulation will only contract and relax the muscle fibers that are innervated by the motor units that are being stimulated. Since electrical muscle stimulation is localized, you will not get the same percentage of muscle recruitment as with vibration training. For more information, please go to the 'Technology' section of the Professional User area, or the 'How It Works' section of the Personal User area.

9. Will I be sore on the WAVE after using it?

Yes and no. If you increase the intensity too quickly without getting used to it, you will get sore. When you start using the WAVE, it is basically a new exercise for you. With any new exercise, it takes time to accommodate yourself to the training. Take it slow, and progress slowly. People get sore from weight training for a few reasons. With weight training, you put your body through stresses where there will be small micro tears in the muscles. In addition, there is a build up of lactic acid, which contributes to the soreness. WAVE vibration training minimizes the micro tears to your muscles while increasing blood flow, thereby enhancing recovery.

10. My trainer doesn't know anything about vibration exercise. What should I do?

Vibration training is increasingly becoming a valuable tool for sports performance. Most trainers are seeing the benefits it provides for their athletes. Simply direct your trainer to our website. They can also call us to discuss how the WAVE can help you, in addition to other athletes that they have.


1. I thought one had to do cardio training to lose weight? How does the WAVE help with weight loss?

First lets start off with the facts. Exercise alone has not shown to produce significant weight loss. You probably have heard people talk about how they have been on the treadmill for months on end and have not lost any weight. Exercise combined with eating less number of calories than you burn every day, with small lifestyle changes, will lead to weight loss. As you lose weight, you will also lose some muscle in addition to fat. This eventually leads to a drop in your metabolism also. The more weight you lose, the less you are able to eat later on to maintain the weight that you want. WAVE vibration exercise works on your metabolism. It has been shown to increase your resting metabolism. In addition, vibration exercise has been shown to help prevent loss of lean muscle. Combine WAVE vibration exercise with a sensible weight loss program, and you will be able to achieve the results you want.

2. I find I have troubles keeping up with an exercise program. Will I have the same problems using the WAVE?

Actually, studies have been done on vibration exercise, showing that it has a very high compliance rate (97%)! With our own experience, we have found that WAVE vibration exercise is actually enjoyable, and tends to produce a 'feel good' effect. It's short training sessions and wide variety of exercise positions tend to decrease the boredom that is sometimes associated with exercise.

3. Is the WAVE a substitute for my cardio exercises?

Research shows that Vibration training does not stress the cardio system. This is beneficial to those individuals that cannot handle the demands of conventional strength training, which may put a stress on their cardiovascular system. However, if you want to add a cardio component to the exercises, you can easily increase the difficulty of the exercise with less breaks in between.

4. How many calories does WAVE vibration exercise burn?

Lets look at it another way. Our metabolism is unique to us. Metabolism is our body's ability to burn a certain number of calories a day. The higher our metabolism, the more calories a day we can burn every day. WAVE vibration exercise has been shown to increase our resting metabolism. To answer the question, vibration exercise will allow you, over time, to burn more calories per day than you did before starting vibration training. This will help in preventing a drop in metabolism if you wanted to lose weight, or allow you to be able to eat healthy and maintain your weight over time.

5. I am going to be going for bariatric surgery. How can the WAVE help?

Research has shown that the more fit you are prior to going for surgery, the better your results will be, in terms of recovery and decreased risk. Some people go for bariatric surgery because they do not have the capability to start an exercise program due to any number of reasons, such as knee pain, circulation problems, etc. WAVE vibration exercise is a safe and effective way to initiate exercise, helping your muscles to get stronger and increasing circulation. After you are cleared by your physician to start WAVE exercise, you will essentially increase your fitness level prior to surgery. Increasing your fitness level will be important in recovering from surgery.

6. I have had bariatric surgery. How can the WAVE help?

WAVE exercise is a safe, gentle and effective way to begin exercising after surgery. You must first be cleared by your physician to start exercising. The WAVE offers many benefits. It is an excellent form of exercise that you can begin with to get stronger and more flexible. With WAVE exercise, you will be able to do more and become more motivated with the results you see to become more active. At the end of the day, becoming more active is what matters. In only 15 minutes a day, three days a week, the WAVE vibration platform will help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

7. Being a large person, I have difficulty finding exercise equipment that I can use. Can I use the WAVE?

At WAVE Manufacturing Inc., we have had considerable experience integrating vibration training into a weight loss program. For this reason, we had designed the WAVE being sensitive to people like you in mind. Our vibration platform has been designed to handle all ranges of human weights, while providing a platform large enough to exercise safely and effectively.

8. My weight loss center or doctor doesn't know about vibration exercise. What can I do?

Although vibration training is becoming more and more popular due to the results it provides, some people may not have heard of it. Simply direct your weight loss center or doctor to our website. They can also call us to discuss how the WAVE can easily be integrated into a weight loss center, or added to an already existing weight loss program.


1. You state that using the WAVE is like weight training. Being a woman, I want to get more toned, but will I get bigger with the WAVE?

No. Getting bigger is mostly due to testosterone, which women do not have enough. The WAVE is designed to get you toned. You will begin replacing fat with muscle. This won't make you look bigger, but make you look slimmer.

2. What exactly is cellulite and how does the WAVE help with this?

Cellulite is sometimes termed 'cottage cheese'. This is not a problem for a certain group of people. This can happen to anyone at any age, regardless of whether you are skinny or overweight! Basically, cellulite is fat accumulation under the skin. This is usually in a honeycombed shaped pattern. In some people, this fat tends to bulge out like stuffing in a mattress. This is the 'cellulite' that you see. In order to fight cellulite, an exercise program has to be specific. Basically, you must increase muscle tone, and replace fat stores with lean muscle. Most women know that doing high repetitions of exercise at all the possible angles is the best way to fight off cellulite. The WAVE is able to provide a very high rate of muscle contraction repetitions (3000 per minute). In addition, all muscle fibers are being worked.

3. I've heard people say that vibration exercise helps with anti aging. How is this possible?

There are many factors that go with aging. Inactivity and stress are two. WAVE exercise practically takes 15 minutes a day, three times per week. We have found that compliance with WAVE exercise is considerably higher than with regular exercise. In addition, vibration exercise has been shown to decrease the stress hormone cortisol.

4. How many calories does WAVE vibration exercise burn?

Lets look at it another way. Our metabolism is unique to us. Metabolism is our body's ability to burn a certain number of calories a day. The higher our metabolism, the more calories we can burn every day. WAVE vibration exercise has been shown to increase our resting metabolism. To answer the question, vibration exercise will allow you, over time, to burn more calories per day than you did before starting vibration training. This will help in preventing a drop in metabolism if you wanted to lose weight, or allow you to be able to eat healthy and maintain your weight over time.



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