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Vertigo is a symptom of an underlying condition and is marked by dizziness or feeling as if your world is "spinning" out of control. It can be difficult to carry out daily routines when you feel physically off-balance and generally ill. Fortunately, our chiropractor in West Hartford, CT, can help you manage this debilitating condition with chiropractic care at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC.


What Causes Vertigo?

Episodes of dizziness are typically caused by a problem with the inner ear. The inner ear has a part called the vestibular that helps balance the body. BPV / BPPV / Vertigo, Meniere’s disease, and vestibular neuritis are three ear-related disorders that can lead to vertigo.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo BPV / BPPV / Vertigo is an inner ear condition that develops from built-up calcium particles in the canals of the inner ear.
  • Meniere's disease occurs from fluid buildup and pressure in the inner ear.
  • Vestibular neuritis is essentially inflammation of the nerves in the inner ear.

Head or neck injury may also trigger dizzy spells if the trauma interferes with nervous system functions.

Common Symptoms

In addition to dizziness and a spinning sensation, you may feel unbalanced or pulled in one direction. Other symptoms include swaying, tilting, sweating, nausea or vomiting, jerking eye movements, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), or hearing loss. These symptoms may last for a few minutes, hours, or come and go. Regardless of the length and frequency of your symptoms, we are aware that feeling off-balanced can make it difficult to walk or function efficiently at work.

How Our West Hartford Chiropractor Can Diagnose and Treat Your Vertigo

Many patients opt for chiropractic care initially or if doctor-prescribed treatments, such as medication or Canalith repositioning maneuvers, aren't effective enough. During your visit to our clinic, Dr. Laub will do a physical exam and may order an x-ray, CT, scan, or MRI to figure out why you're having these symptoms and how to treat you.

Chiropractic care for vertigo (BPV / BPPV / Vertigo) primarily involves performing spinal adjustments to realign the spine, particularly if nerve inflammation from a neck or head injury is triggering your symptoms. Adjustments relieve headaches, dizziness, and nausea because they open up the neural pathways so the brain and spinal cord can communicate as they should.

The Epley maneuver is another chiropractic option. It is a simple repositioning technique that helps to remove debris in the vestibulocochlear apparatus, which functions as the "balance center" of your body.

Don't Let Dizziness Get the Best of You

Feeling dizzy? Contact our chiropractor in West Hartford, CT. The entire wellness team at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC is committed to providing you with the best natural health and wellness solutions. Call (860) 232-5556 to request an appointment or schedule one online.



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